
about me

Just so you know what you're getting into by reading this blog, here are some things you ought to know about me.

I am a twenty-something wife and mama of Ella, or as we call her around here, {e}. She is eight months old, and pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen. We do a lot of sensory play and loosely inspired Montessori-style activities. We like to read books, go shopping together and snuggle. Especially snuggle :)

I also teach second grade and love it! We have an absolute blast, and everyday I am so thankful that I get to spend my day with these amazing kiddos. We spend a lot of time doing hands-on activities and I know that some of that has trickled over to influence what I do at home with {e}.

I'm also pursuing my Master's degree in elementary counseling. I know- I've lost my mind doing this with an infant, but it had to happen eventually.

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